Jewelry Bridgestone Commercial in the Term Paper

Total Length: 401 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

Potato lost her chance to speak and he could drive freely. It delivers the message of how Birdgestone's tires not only give strength to the automobiles but also to the drivers.

If the roles were switched, it would provide a completely different effect. The goal of this commercial is to show the fine quality and toughness of Bridgestone's tires, which ultimately gives power to both the car and the driver. It is rare to relate power to women, or at least the way stereotypes portray it as. Power plays a larger role in males because it is a symbol of masculinity, which works hand-in-hand with automobiles and tools.

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However, gender stereotypes nowadays has evolved a lot, there are many women with have higher status and more power than men. With the roles switched, the target audience for Bridgestone's tires would appear to be women instead of men. Women would watch the advertisement and feel good about Bridgestone giving women the power they want, while men would find it offensive losing their chance to speak up. This could be effective if target audience were women, however, if not, it would only lose its….....

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