Job Analysis Report Sales Representatives at Circuit Term Paper

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Job Analysis Report

Sales Representatives At Circuit

Job summary:

Sales representatives play an important role in most organizations. We visited Circuit, the largest computer dealers in our area and spoke to some of the sales representatives there. It must be borne in mind that sales representatives are not salespeople. They have an absolutely different job to perform even though it is connected with sales too. Sales representatives are required to promote company's business and to attract new customers, keeping in view the core objectives and values of the firm. Sales Representatives at Circuit are responsible for attracting new business without losing the sight of company policies.


Sales Representatives earn around $17,000 P/A with commission. They earn $10% on every sale generated by them and are given transport facility. Company also covers 15% of medical expenses and paid leave of 2 days a month is granted to sales representatives with children.

Key Responsibilities and Tasks:

Technical knowledge:

1.1. Sales Representatives are required to remain abreast of latest technological trends especially in computer Outlet. At Circuit, SRs are given complete information about technical aspect of products which help them better understand client needs and address their problems.

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1.2. Remain in close contact with developments at the competitor's. Unless they are aware of what their rivals in the field are offering, they cannot successfully convince the customers about the quality and worth of their own products and services.

1.3. Gather information about latest market trends and technological developments. Computer technology is a volatile field where change is the rule. For this reason, Sales Representatives need to be fully aware of what is happening in the market.

2. Customer Relations"

2.1. Keep a record of all calls attended and all appointments fixed. Note down contact details of potential and existing customers. Stay prepared to meet customers with appointments.

2.2. Customer data management: keep record of all sales generated and customer visits and calls. Follow-up on potential customers and address complaints filed by existing customers

2.3. Company literature including history of sales and list of products available needs to be updated regularly. All brochures and leaflets must be readily available for new customers

2.4. Up-to-date records on regional competition. SRs need to keep a complete record of the products and services being offered by competitors in order.....

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