Job Description for a Coach in the Essay

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Job Description for a Coach in the VA Education System

Coaches are responsible for anywhere between 30-50 people at a given time. The role combines skills associated with leadership, technical expertise, communication and organization. These are all skills that I am fostering with my current education in order to put myself in a better position to assume a role as a coach.

A good job description takes into account a number of characteristics, including a job title, a purpose statement, a description of the position in broad, a list of duties or tasks to be performed, the key functional responsibilities and a description of the relationships within the organization. Furthermore, the job description should include the key traits, skills and attributes required for performance of the job (, 2013). The job description for a coach in the VA education system should reflect these. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that there are 71,400 positions for sports coaches in the U.S., the unemployment rate is 9% (above average) and that the median salary is just $28,740, so while this can be a prestigious position at the high end it is actually a fairly low-paying job for most of the people who hold the position. Nevertheless, this is a dream job for me and this job description will describe the role of a starting position as an assistant coach with a high school football team.

Job Title: Associate Football Coach, High School

Tasks: This position, answering to the Head Coach and to the Principal, involves providing coaching services to the high school football team. The specific emphasis will be determined but tasks will include designing and running drills, developing fitness programs, providing individual training for students of high school age, either on the varsity or junior varsity clubs.

This is a year-round position. The hours are part-time in the off-season and may involve some work in other tasks at the physical education department. The Associate Coach will work with players to develop their skills and fitness. The role will require 35-40 hours per week during the off-season and up to 60 hours per week during August-November when the season is running.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Extensive knowledge about fitness is required. It is expected that the ideal candidate will have either a physical education degree or will have been a student athlete in the past. Preference will be given to former football players because of the need for specialized knowledge about tactics, strategies….....

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