John F. Kennedy Research Paper

Total Length: 722 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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John F. Kennedy was the youngest individual elected American president and the first Roman Catholic to serve in that capacity. His election as president came in the aftermath of the Second World War and is considered as an initiative that came to reflect the ascendance of youthful idealism during this period. However, the promises of the youthful energetic president were not fulfilled following his assassination near the end of his third year as U.S. president. As a populist-oriented, youthful and energetic, intelligent, optimistic, and charismatic leader, Kennedy had matured and evolved before his assassination. Some of the major elements that demonstrated his maturity include successful navigation of a conflict that could have led to nuclear war with Soviet Union and position the country to deal with the growing domestic and international social issues. The success of John F. Kennedy as president was mainly attributed to the correlation between his political career and his family life, particularly the work his father Joseph Kennedy Sr. did to get him into office.

John F. Kennedy was born to a strong middle-class family in Brookline, Massachusetts in May 29, 1917. John was the second son of Joseph Kennedy Sr. And Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy and had eight extraordinary brothers and sisters (Mara, p.8). Kennedy's family was rich and prominent Irish Catholic and his paternal grandfather was a rich banker and liquor trader ("John F.
Kennedy" par, 2). On the other hand, his maternal grandfather was a skillful politician who not only served as the mayor of Boston but also served as a congressman ("John Fitzgerald Kennedy" par, 1). John F. Kennedy's early life was characterized with closely-knit and supportive brothers and sisters.

The correlation between John F. Kennedy's political career and family life is evident in the kind of upbringing he had. Joseph Kennedy Sr. was specifically obsessed over each detail of his children's lives, which was rare for a father at that time. The overwhelming interest for every detail played a crucial role to get John F. Kennedy into the office. This interest enabled President Kennedy and his wife to bring a level of intellectual curiosity, high culture, style, sophistication, and elegance to the White House that had not been evident before in the contemporary era (Lazzaro par, 7).

The second thing his father did to get him into office was setting great expectations for him and the other siblings and instilling a fierce….....

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