Kant, Beauty Is the Symbol Term Paper

Total Length: 362 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

To further support his theory, Kant puts forward the example of objects being positively valued and assessed using words and analogies which seem to have moral origins in the sense that they belong to the perimeter of morality, and not beauty. On the other hand, the empirical evaluation of things which is employed in the case of aesthetics is not employed in the case of judgment that is not subjected to the laws of experience. Aesthetics are evaluated through subjective means and generate pleasure or its opposite, whereas morals can only be judged objectively as they apply to everyone.
Aesthetics is conceived as an analysis of the faculty that is destined to the assessment of the feeling of pleasure and results from the harmony between intellect and imagination related to a particular object. Kant argues that this judgment of beauty does not bring anything new to the realm of knowledge, and only belongs to the subject who puts forward the judgment, judgment itself being a bridge between intellect and reason......

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