Killings and a Rose for Emily Essay

Total Length: 673 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Tragedy is a main component of both short stories. The element of tragedy caused both main characters to react in differing ways. Both short stories involve death of a beloved family member, albeit, in differing manners. The coping mechanism used by the characters also differed. In "A Rose for Emily," Emily coped with the death of father by simply failing to acknowledge it ever happened. In "Killings," Matt Flower engages in murder to better cope with the death of his son (Morton. 2005).

Loneliness and isolation are two very common themes throughout the short stories. In regards to, "A Rose for Emily," the death of her father and subsequent husband caused her to be lonely. She reacted by isolating herself from the general public. She isolated herself even after numerous attempts from both her family and community to console her. This loneliness even caused her to lay with her dead boyfriend in bed, until her eventual death. In "Killings" Matt Fowler was enraged by the fact his son was murdered, and the person who committed the crime still lives a normal life. Richard Strout, who commits a crime of passion by murdering the man his wife is having an affair with, seems to have no remorse for his act. Matt Fowler and his wife however, must now content with the loneliness of not having their son.
In an emotional rage, Matt Fowler conspires to kill Richard Strout, which he is eventually successful at doing.

The loss of loved ones also caused both families to do conduct themselves in an irrational manner. In "A Rose for Emily," Emily was believed to be laying with the dead body of her husband near the conclusion of the story. Emily also went as far as outright denying the death of her father even after attending the burial service. The overall process of denial and isolation caused Emily to conduct herself in a manner that was uncharacteristic of her. Emily's family was known to be very prestigious and proud….....

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