Language and Comprehension Are Both Thesis

Total Length: 1763 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Ketch asserts that it is through this natural process that students comprehend and become critical thinkers. Likewise, Pinnell seems to share similar beliefs about natural processes and educators allowing children to explore these processes. The author asserts that

"Concentration on skills draws attention away from the normal and self-reinforcing uses of language, and instruction often unnecessarily makes a natural everyday activity seem foreign and stilted. Language studies suggest that efforts should be redirected to take advantage of nature's most powerful incentive for developing facility with language -- the child's intention to communicate meaning to other people, the use of language for a variety of purposes (Pinnell."

Both of these assertions support the importance of oral language.
Ketch encourages this by explaining the importance on conversation is developing critical thinking skills. Likewise Pinnell enforces this by explaining the importance of language use among children.


The purpose of this discussion was to provide a summary and reaction to the articles Conversation: The comprehension connection and Language in primary classrooms. The summary focused on the salient point made by both authors and the manner in which they address educators. The research indicates that both authors understand the importance in oral language in the capacity to learn and understand. Both authors also emphasize the roles that educators plan in ensuring that children master language and comprehension skills while they are young......

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