Law School Application My Personal and Academic Essay

Total Length: 619 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Law School Application

My personal and academic experiences have armed me with the dedication and skills that are necessary for success in law school. I hope to obtain a law degree, allowing me to adapt my unique blend of experience and education to the study and practice of law. I feel that I have both the compassion and academic ability, in addition to the commitment to excellence and tenacity that will help ensure my success both in law school and the legal profession.

I have dreamed about being involved in the legal profession for many years. My love and fascination with law only grew during my years in school, as a learned more about the study and practice of law. I found myself drawn to the complexities of law, and law's seemingly endless potential to serve the greater community.

I have a strong commitment to learning about and communicating with others. Over the years, I have become fluent in four languages, including English.

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Understanding Spanish, Hebrew, Yiddish/German, and English has given me a unique and broad perspective on the world about me. I strongly feel that this ability and my numerous interactions with different ethnic and religious communities and individuals have helped to equipped me with the understanding and compassion that is sorely needed in order to effectively and compassionately practice law.

Further, I have carefully cultivated my work ethic and academic abilities in order to prepare myself for a career in law. In all of my activities, from school to tennis to swimming, I endeavor to do my personal best each and every day.

A wholeheartedly agree with the words of Thomas Jefferson, who said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." I have truly found that the greater my effort in any task, the greater….....

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