Leader Within You John Maxwell Research Paper

Total Length: 563 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The second and even more enlightening idea was that the leader who influences others to follow is, indeed, a leader, but the one who influences others to lead is at the top rung of leadership.

Sociologists tell us that even the most introverted individual will influence ten thousand other people during his or her lifetime," Maxwell points out (Maxwell, 1993).

His stories and anecdotes were helpful -- everything from Eisenhower to leadership in a flock of cranes. Not only did they lighten the tone but, in all cases, were appropriate in making a point clearer.

We all have tasks that pile up unless we prioritize. According to Maxwell, "20% of our priorities will give us 80% of our production." Therefore, our time and energy are best used if we channel them to our top priorities.

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To me, this is a simple yet profound concept.

The most valuable lesson from this book is that his concepts apply to all types of leadership, whether it be education, business, military, social work, or Maxwell's own religious work, etc.. His five levels of leadership, as an example, (the five Ps) -- position, permission, production, people development, and personhood -- lead a person, in any field of endeavor, step-by-step from a "position" of little influence to growing, over a period of years, into his or her own pinnacle of leadership -- personhood (Maxwell, 1993).

Real leadership," he says, "is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow.".....

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