Leadership in Management Provide an Example of Essay

Total Length: 406 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Leadership in Management

Provide an example of Cognitive dissonance in the workplace?

One example of a situation in which Cognitive dissonance might occur in the workplace could be found at Disney theme parks. Disney's hires a number of "actors" to wear costumes and play different roles at the park. These individuals are expected to "act" for long periods of time such as eight to ten hours in some cases. I can image that many of these actors who are not really princes and princesses in real life would experience some level of cognitive dissonance as a result of their roles with Disney.

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How would you introduce motivational theory in an environment without making disruptive change or causing other problems (such as role overload)?

Some research has indicated that there are role overload moderates the direct effects of both self-efficacy and goal level on performance, such that these relationships are positive when role overload is low but not significant when role overload is high; further, the results reveal a pattern of moderated mediation, in which goal level mediates the indirect effect of self-efficacy on performance when role overload is low but not when it is high (Brown, Jones, & Leigh, 2005). Therefore, understanding the….....

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