Leadership the Mistaken Assumption That Term Paper

Total Length: 670 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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The self-organization concept refers to the identity, vision, mission, and values of the organization. An organization's identity includes current interpretations of its history, present decisions and activities, and its sense of its future. It is the identity that provides the capacity for evolution and self-organization.

To hold the organization together for an identity, the free-flow of information is considered important. Only when information belongs to everyone in the organization, people begin to organize rapidly and effectively around customers, competitors, and environments (Stewart and Manz, 1995). It is that creates the conditions for the emergence of fast, well-integrated, and effective responses. Also, free flow of information brings together members of an organization for solving the organizational problems (Ashby, 1969).

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Beyond that, customers become the stakeholders that help in refinement of the organization.

Therefore, one of the prime concerns for leaders become that they avoid the barriers that create hindrance in information flow within the organization. To do so, the leaders create an open-door policy for employees through which employees can bring their best ideas on the table for the improvement of organizational processes. When there are failures, and the changes do not work, often leaders revert to their old style of control (Cummings, 1978). However, when leaders begin to understand the concept of disturbances as emerge in the self-organization system, they would eventually create information for the renovation of the organization.....

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