Leadership Is a Much Studied Term Paper

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Leaders who want to strengthen their understanding and use of followers can benefit from understanding models of followership and leadership. The Kelley Model of Followership (1992) considers ways of thinking and acting to categorize followers into five groups. These groups are: alienated followers who are skeptical but capable; conformist followers who follow orders and say yes often; passive followers who need direction because they do not think for themselves; and exemplary followers who are essential because they are motivated and independent, but loyal and cooperative. A fifth group is the pragmatist type of follower who has qualities from the other four categories. (Bjugstad et al., 2006, pp. 309-310).

Another model that considers the roles of leadership and followership is the Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory (1982). This theory addresses four types of leadership styles. They are: telling, which involves direct instruction and task-oriented leadership; selling, which involves guiding and coaching followers who are willing but unable to do the work; participating, which seeks to build confidence and motivation in followers; and delegating, which works when followers are so capable that tasks can be turned over to them with confidence (Bjugstad et al., 2006, pp. 311-312).

How does a leader use these two models to create the best organizational structure? An integrated model that involves characteristics of followers and styles of leaders is the key to meshing the behaviors of both groups for the optimal benefit. A leader who is dealing with alienated followers should try a participating style of leadership in order to bring the followers into the fold. Passive followers can be more productive if a leader uses a "selling" style and directs and encouragers the followers.
"Conformist followers with their 'will do as told' attitude can be placed in the telling style quadrant, which characterizes a leadership style that focuses on providing specific instructions and closely monitoring performance" (Bjugstad et al., 2006, p. 313). Finally, followers who have "exemplary" characteristics can mesh well with a leader who is able to use a "delegating" style and simply hand over responsibility to the followers. "By meshing the styles of leaders and followers, organizations can maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of leader-follower relationships" (Bjugstad et al., 2006, p. 314). A good leader might take into consideration specific behaviors that would optimize his or her relationship with followers and provide benefits for all concerned.

While it is true that all organizations, their personnel, and their goals are different, leaders at all levels can benefit from considering their own style of leadership and how it meshes with the styles of followership within the organization. Human beings are seldom, if ever, a "one size fits all" creature, so it makes sense that leaders should consider the motivation, abilities, and values of their individual and varied followers in order to tap into their abilities. This may mean that a leader must fine-tune his or her style depending on which group of followers he or she is working with. The effort will pay off, though, because without informed and motivated followers who are willing and able to do the work of an organization, leaders would be out front leading a nonexistent band......

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