Leadership the Word 'Leadership' Means Essay

Total Length: 637 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The charisma that true leaders possess allows them to organize and motivate others around them, which is ultimately the most important aspect of a leader.

I have learned a lot about leadership from being around these great leaders. I have first learned much about my own leadership abilities. I have been able to compare the great leaders I have worked with to myself and learn about my own strengths and weaknesses as a result. I believe that I possess most of the hard skills that a leader needs, such as patience and intelligence, but I have learned a lot about the soft skills as well. The leaders to whom I have been exposed have taught me much about the subtler aspects of communication, in particular when dealing with difficult people or situations.

As mentioned, I believe that I have sufficient intelligence and patience to be a great leader.

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I feel that my strategic capabilities are excellent, and that I am able to put these skills to good use in a complex environment, as I can easily understand the key issues in a complex and changing situation. I also feel that I have strong communication skills, allowing me to convey my ideas simply and clearly to the rest of the organization. As a result, I believe that when I devise a strategy, I can bring the organization to the point of being able to execute that strategy. In addition, I believe that I have many of the organizational traits needed of a good leader. Part of strong leadership is knowing what needs to be done and when; I feel that I excel in this. My ability to organize time and tasks is another of my key leadership strengths.


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