Learners a Clinical Setting --Desirable Staff Role Essay

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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learners a clinical setting --Desirable staff role models? What risks mitigated?

Discuss three assessment strategies you would use to evaluate the effectiveness of a clinical instructor

In-class, scheduled observations are one of the most common methods used to assess the effectiveness of instructors. Of course, this method is not foolproof -- an instructor will likely show off the class at its best, when he or she is anticipating a visit from an evaluator. However, even a planned visit at least demonstrates to the evaluator what the teacher believes are his or her strengths. The teacher's method of interacting with the class, the classes' responsiveness to the teacher's demeanor and the teacher's method of structuring the lesson plan can all be reviewed.

Unplanned observations, of course, take away the ability of the teacher to prepare for a visitor (although the teacher can be warned that unplanned assessments will occur throughout the semester). These observations, if they accidentally happen on a bad day, may show the instructor in a bad light. However, provided that follow-up visits are conducted after giving feedback to the teacher (and the teacher is able to explain what he or she could have done differently), these can also be an effective method of assessment.

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A final method is asking students to submit anonymous reviews of the instructor at the end of every class. The problem with this method is that easier teachers may get better reviews than harder teachers. But even if students are not objective authorities, their input can still be valuable, particularly critiques about the teacher's clarity and level of interest in his or her students. Also, the student's positive or negative reviews can be anonymously matched with their grades -- even if the teacher is not aware of the specific ratings of individual students, the evaluators can contextualize the students' responses in light of the students' final performance ratings.

Q2. Should you place learners in a clinical setting that has less-than-desirable staff role models? What are the risks and how could they be mitigated?

Role modeling is an important….....

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