Lesson Before Dying Term Paper

Total Length: 430 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Lesson Before Dying

In the novel, 'A lesson before dying', there are many inter-related and intricately woven themes that highlight the predicament of a black man in 1940s Louisiana. Convicted of a crime he never committed, Jefferson is treated like an animal and when the public attorney tries to defend him for being a man without thoughts and feelings, this deeply distresses Jefferson and his mother. The novel then becomes a tale of responsibility towards self and community. A person owes something to his community despite his ill-favored circumstances. Jefferson's psyche is so negatively influenced by the comments made by the public defender "I would just as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this" (8), that he starts seeing himself as an animal.
The hog label has had a strange impact on him which alters his personality and makes him believe that "Just do the best you can. But it won't matter" (66) because eventually something will happen to "make you the nigger you were born to be" (65). Jefferson's friendship with a schoolteacher Grant Wiggins teaches him about responsibility to community and human dignity as he explains "No matter how bad off we are ... we still owe something'" (p. 139). Wiggins teaches Jefferson about being a hero and….....

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