Letter for Editing in the Past Three Essay

Total Length: 510 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Letter for Editing

In the past three years, I struggled with obstacles, which were pushed back and remained unresolved. This situation has created in me a great deal of dissatisfaction in addition to a feeling of being neither appreciated nor wanted.for what I do.

When the beatification program was discussed, a budget was created and the project commenced. Then without warning or discussion, the funding stopped. I met with you and you said was I could continue and fund the completion of the phase already started and be reimbursed later. Yet I have never been reimbursed. In the succeeding years, the project was again never discussed or budgeted..

I started working on the yearbook. I put in several hours into it. I had to go through so much to get computers assigned to the program in the second year, as well as getting a class to work on the book since it could not be done after school.
The book is now in its third year but cannot be created because the bill has not been settled.

I have worked extremely hard on the Saturday ELO program. I believe that it has been an extremely valuable addition to both the middle school students in Eagles in Flight, and the upperclassmen I have placed in community partnership programs. I met with you in August to discuss a budget. I was informed via email in October that there was no fund.allocation for it..

I spend each summer developing my courses and creating a budget and each year,….....

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