Licensing, Accreditation, and Certification Licensing Thesis

Total Length: 536 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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This includes checking equipment, employee licensing, and general health concerns.

California also has special requirements which aim to ensure a complete lack of racist inequalities within the hospital environment. Every facility must incorporate a system where different languages, including nonverbal communication, are available to those patients who do not speak English as a first language. Proof of this system is necessary in order to fully give accreditation the specific facility.

Along with following such rules and regulations, the organization must stay on top of paying the state the necessary licensing fees to remain accredited within the eyes of the state of California. These include both survey and annual fees which are necessary for both private and public organizations.

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These fees are a necessity for any California business organization, and must be paid in full before the State will issue a healthcare organization full accreditation.

Once a specific hospital or private healthcare organization has satisfactorily shown the State of California that it meets all of its regulations and requirements, both on a patient and organizational basis that care facility will be allowed to operate within the State of California. However, even after initial accreditation, there are numerous fees to maintain while in operation. Another ongoing process is surveys and visits from the State Health Department in order to ensure that the facility is running just as smoothly as the day it opened......

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