Limitation of Detaining Juveniles in Short- and Essay

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limitation of detaining juveniles in short- and long-term secured facilities. Then analyze an ethical, legal, or diversity consideration related to confinement in a short- or long-term secured facility. Support your analysis by citing an academic journal article.

Strengths and limitations of secured facilities:

Characteristics of and services provided to youth in secure care facilities

The majority of the youths detained in secure facilities have issues other than delinquency with which they are dealing including academic problems; learning disabilities; behavioral issues; and mental health concerns (including substance abuse). While only 7.9% of students with disabilities in public schools on average were labeled as having emotional and behavioral disorders, 47.4% of students in detention with disabilities were identified as having these issues (Gagnon & Barber 2010). These students lack age-appropriate coping strategies to deal with anger and frustration, which frequently translates into delinquent behaviors.

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60% of youth with mental disorders are co-morbid for three or more mental disorders; 46% have substance abuse problems (Gagnon & Barber 2010). Adequate treatment of these youths thus cannot be limited to a sole focus upon their delinquency and many secure facilities are not really equipped to cope with these needs.

High percentages of the juvenile population were victims themselves of crimes such as abuse, neglect, and violence because of their home and neighborhood environments. Dealing with PTSD issues within the context of a correctional setting can be difficult and complex, according to the article "Characteristics of and services provided to youth in secure care facilities." The purpose of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation, and unless such facilities deal with juveniles' emotional challenges, this purpose cannot be realized. But treating for co-morbidities requires extensive coordination of services and providers......

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