Linguistics Language and Culture: An Term Paper

Total Length: 602 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Thus, traditional methods of teaching English or any other language to native speakers of another language can be damaging to students, according to these authors.

Thus, teaching English as a second language must be considered as a cultural and linguistic adventure. Noam Chomsky's theories of language acquisition, which apply to language learners in infancy, but also make important suggestions for second language learning, can also be considered in light of culture. As a child acquires language for the first time, culture is integrated with it. By asking a child to forego his or her own culture to acquire another language and another culture is akin to asking him or her to take on a new identity.

For teachers, this concept is vitally important. In the classroom, teachers at all levels must realize that their English language learners are struggling not only with academia, but also with a redefinition of culture.

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Thus, teachers should make every effort to help English language learners by incorporating their cultures into English language instruction. In this way, teachers can insure that students learn English, but also that they understand it and that they have a positive view of the language. Instituting language learning this way will not forsake the important cultural component that comes with learning the English language, however, as teachers can instruct the students on how to mesh their cultures together with the English language and American or British culture in a way that allows them to assimilate while keeping their own identities. Thus, teachers instructing English language learners should attempt to encourage cultural identity formation and preservation within their classrooms......

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