Linkedin Communicating Professionally on Social Networking Websites Essay

Total Length: 400 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

COMMUNICATING PROFESSIONALLY Communicating ProfessionallyLinkedIn is one of the most renowned social networking websites for building a personal portfolio, strengthening career networks, and job hunting (Doyle, 2021). Updating profiles frequently with experience assists in gaining connections with the people one would like to know or should know. For greater visibility, the skills and education help reach the companies and people for the right placement in the relevant industry.The language should be professional and straightforward since the digital footprint of the social networking profile is meant for the business-oriented target audience (Linaker, 2016). The forums and discussion boards in which the person participates through the LinkedIn profile must be vigilantly written as the choice of words would reflect the kind of person one is. The content is freely available to all types of audiences, and they can reach the profile as soon as they find something of their interest or even controversial.The advantage to having a social networking profile like LinkedIn is that it supports creating a persuasive personal brand that would sell to the expected recruiters.

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It serves as a unique promise in the form of a distinction from the peers that would let the recruiters hire within no time. However, it is the groundwork that matters. For example, getting feedback from previous employers and receiving endorsements along with recommendations would be some of the good methods for expediting the hiring process (Zhang, 2021).It should be noted that it is not only about getting noticed yourself to the company employers but also getting others to follow you. The platform LinkedIn provides to several possible candidates worldwide has a global reach for remote positions. Therefore, career management is simplified with the said social networking tool with accurate communication and prominence techniques (Sreenivasan, n.a.). Keeping ahead of the trends and jobs vigorously sought by the recruiters and connecting with the prospective employers with strong attention and professional building of the profile can work wonders if this social media tool is used shrewdly......

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