Lord of the Flies Term Paper

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Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. Specifically, it will tell the story of the boys' experiences when they return home, what they find there, what they experience, and if they are punished. The boys from "Lord of the Flies" were left sailing away on a naval vessel at the end of the book, but when they returned home, they had to face what they had done on the island, and face the "real world" again.


When the boys returned home to England, their lives were never the same. The island had changed each and every one of them, some of them more than they knew. Ralph returned to school, but the incidents on the island had scared him more than he knew. He was still a leader in his soul, but evil people like Jack and Roger frightened him. He tended to shy away from others at school, and turned inward into himself. He sometimes missed the beauty of the island, and the early happy times there, but he remembered even the island was not the same as it was after the devastating fire, and so he knew he could never go back there, and recapture his youth, and the hold he had over the boys at the start.
Ralph still struggled for order and democracy, and as he became more used to civilization again, he ran for school president, but he lost. Later, Ralph went on to a career in politics, but he never achieved as much as he hoped. He was never punished for the depravities that went on while the boys were on the island, but he always remembered what happened, and his memories ate away at him for the rest of his life.

Jack's return was the same as his time on the island. He was still an angry boy, full of rage and hatred. He tried to fit back into civilization, but his time on the island had made him even more power crazed, and he eventually was picked up for shoplifting and burglary, and spent time in reform school and in youth detention. Nothing worked to make Jack repent, because he could never….....

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