Macroevolution Humans Are One of Research Paper

Total Length: 1658 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The most arrangement of these hominids is as shown in the table above (Rantala, 2007, p.17).


Humans have undergone a series of evolution from the most primitive hominids to the modern man. The development in the structure of the hominids was gradual; with almost half being upright and the rest being bent creatures. Evolution is expected to continue and man is expected to evolve into a different creature depending on the use and disuse of his limbs.

Macroevolution gives finer details about the origin of humans and tries to bring out substantive information from carbon dating that indicate that for real man is a product of a continuous evolution and thus is thus not the final product of evolution.

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However, the theory of evolution has faced a lot of criticism especially from the Theologians whose views about the origin of humans are contrary to those of macroevolution. The theory has been rejected by many institutions of learning especially hose that teach the doctrines of creation. but, still evolution remains to be the most proximate theory on the origin of humans......

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