Maimonides Once Said About the Term Paper

Total Length: 1861 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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She removed herself as a commentator from her weekly Television program as of 2002 in order to get everything together involving her situation with plagiarism. it'd obvious, to both her and the historical world which she worked, that her initial excuses regarding her negligence were not enough to save her career and her credibility. However misguided she was in 1987; she began a crusade in 2002 to attempt to regain at least some of her lost credibility. According to Forbes, she began withdrawing copies of her work in stores across the country, (Lewis 2002). She now is busy in reorganizing her work and correcting all mistakes and unreferenced material so that she can re-release her 900-page work back into the public's hands.

Despite her bestselling works which have not been questioned, Goodwin will forever bare the burden of the allegations against her 1987 novel. Before this broke out, she had even been a staunch advocate at punishing plagiarism after someone had taken material from her questioned work the Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys. This entire ordeal is a painful mark on the rest of her career.
Her initial excuses do not release her from her obligations as a credible historian to check all her sources. Although her image is tainted, she is now at least attempting to rectify the situation. Her ordeal does go to show the extreme consequences of plagiarism, both monetarily as well as the plunge in one's credibility. One should take note of famous cases like Goodwin's and take extra precautions not to follow in her foot steps and ruin one's academic or professional

Works Referenced

Crader, Bo. "Lynne McTaggart on Doris Goodwin." The Weekly Standard. January 23,

Goodwin, Doris K. "How I Caused That Story." Time Magazine. January 27, 2002.,8599,197614,00.html

Hoffer, Peter Charles. "Reflections of Plagiarism Part 1." American Historical

Association. Perspectives. February 2004.

Kirkpatrick, David. "Historian Says Borrowing Was Wider Than Known." The New

York Times. February 23, 2002.

Lewis, Mark. "Doris Kearns Goodwin and the Credibility Gap." Forbes. February 27, 2002.

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