Management System (DBMS) Is a Program That Essay

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management system (DBMS) is a program that provides the user with access to the data and also helps them in transforming their raw data into meaningful information. The database management system (DBMS) is therefore a collection of programs that helps in the management of data structure as well as in the control of access to the data that is stored in the database. The DBMS systems help users in the creation, updating as well as extracting of information that is stored in the databases. At a time when the mainframes were the dominant computers in enterprise computing, the database management system (DBMS) architecture was never a big concern. This is because all programs depended and ran on the mainframes. Even for the implementation of mainframe DBMS, the overall system architecture would most likely consist of several (multiple) platforms as well as system software for the interpretation of the databases.

Experts in Information Technology must therefore include a robust database management representative organ that includes database administrators, data administrators as well as system administrators.

It is however crucial that the selected DBMS is the appropriate one for the kind of business as well as the processing type that is to be implemented. In essence, there are four main levels of database management system (DBMS) architecture that one can chose from and they include enterprise DBMS, departmental DBMS, personal DBMS as well as mobile DBMS.

The levels or types of DBMS

Enterprise DBMS

An enterprise level DBMS is a kind of a DBMS that is designed for both scalability and excellent performance. The DBMS system must be capable of seamlessly supporting very large and extensive databases with large number of users accessing the database concurrently while running multiple applications.

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The enterprise DBMS systems will typically be deployed on a large-scale machine/server such as a mainframe or a machine that runs a high-end Linux, UNIX or Windows Untraditionally, an enterprise DBMS system offers the user all kinds of "bells and whistles" that should be offered from any DBMS vendor. The core components of any enterprise DBMS system are multi-processor support, clustering, support for parallel information queries as well as other more advanced features.

Departmental DBMS

A departmental DBMS system which is also known as work group DBMS is one that supports the running of a medium sized workgroups that are located within a given organization. They basically run on a Linux, Unix as well as Windows 2000 or NT servers. A software or hardware upgrade can allow the departmental DBMS systems to perform tasks that earlier could only be performed by the more powerful enterprise DBMS systems.

Personal DBMS

The personal DBMS systems are the ones that are designed to be ran and used by just a single user who is typically using a low or medium powered computing platform. MS Access and Dbase are typical examples of personal DBMS systems. It is worth noting that the major vendors of these DBMS solutions also double as the venders and marketers of personal versions of DBMS solutions that are more high-powered. Examples being DB2 and Oracle.It is worth noting that the low cost of the personal DBMS systems has often caused misguided attempts tp….....

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