Managing Information Systems in Healthcare Thesis

Total Length: 589 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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In terms of the disaster planning, the decision was made to select remote backup services, the most cost-effective strategy available for backing up records and data. In terms of recovery, the decision to rely on distributed processing was an expensive one, yet assured HEWE of continual uptime due to parallel and fault-tolerant processor-based systems. For the insurance coverage, Business Interruption Insurance Coverage was chosen as part of the disaster planning strategy that HEWE undertakes. While there are many insurance options specifically for HEWE to consider, the Business Interruption one makes the most sense from covering potential loses due to a lack of systems and data being available.

The final area of the case study regards project implementation. While there are phased implementations, Big Bang implementations or parallel implementations, the last option would be most advisable for HEWE. It is recommended that the parallel implementation to minimize risk and also provide a sufficient amount of time for the testing of system integration.

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On the subject of training there are many options available, from e-learning to vendor-based training. The best approach however for HEWE is to concentrate on creating expertise internally by having the hospital staff development educators get up to speed on the new systems and then teach others how to use them. This also will lessen resistance to change as members of the hospital staff will train their peers, thereby lessening fear of the new systems as well......

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