Marina Budhos's Novel "Ask Me Book Report

Total Length: 583 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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In spite of the fact that Aisha seemed to be "too strong, too smart" (Budhos 52), Nadira realized that she was actually more powerful than her sister because she did not live in an imaginary world. Her unattractiveness and her average intellect were actually what made it possible for her to see the bigger picture. Leaving the college is most probably one of the main reasons influencing Aisha to accept her condition. The girl goes from being strong to being weak in a matter of seconds as her younger sister urges her to do so and as she realizes that all of her dreams were unattainable.

It is difficult to determine whether Aisha becomes weaker as the storyline progresses or whether she actually becomes stronger by realizing the limited amount of options she has and by experiencing a rapid maturing process.
Her ambition is seriously damaged as a result of the fact that her family is caught living in the U.S. illegally and she loses all will to fight as she realizes that one cannot simply come out of such a situation victoriously without receiving outside assistance.

The fact that her father is detained has a terrible effect on Aisha as she decides to abandon all of her plans in order to help him get out. She experiences a breakdown as she realizes that she is powerless and she becomes disoriented, as she is no longer able to do anything for her family. This story demonstrates that even some of the most powerful individuals can lose their abilities in the face of disastrous events.


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