Market Activities (Production, Buying, and Term Paper

Total Length: 676 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Therefore, the policy will ensure that as far as the plant keeps manufacturing products to the customers, it participates in protecting the lives and health of these people. Moreover, the policy is beneficial in offering equitable policies that allow a universal use of the environment. The second policy is categorical of what comes after the emission of the gases into the environment. This policy benefits the environment and all its components that benefit from it directly and indirectly (Thomas & Carson, 2011).

Cost of each action

Each policy is likely to consume a considerable amount of finances and other requirements. For instance, the policies are poised at establishing a palatable ground where agents and pursuers will have to seek compensation. Marketing or creation of awareness of the policies will consume a considerable amount of finances. Moreover, the aftermath of the policies will be reserved to financial constrains from the lobby groups.

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Each policy will cost an approximate of $300 monthly. Nonetheless, the benefits accrued from the policies will serve to balance the cost of production and use of policies in the firm.

How to decide the best level of emission reduction

The best level of emission reduction is a requirement since productivity within the firm should be upgraded for the benefit of the people. Production should not be interfered with the production policies that forbid emission of gases into the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to consider treatment of the waste materials and gases emitted into the environment. Moreover, the raw materials that are used to produce the products from the firm should be selected in order to ensure those without immense effects on the environment are used. Such approaches will offer the best avenue of dealing with emission (Goldberg, 2000)......

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