Marketing, Online Apparel Company Focused Young Adults. Essay

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marketing, online apparel company focused young adults. The online apparel store a unique product like customize shirts, hats, foodies logos company customer create. The key areas marketing product, pricing strategies, place, customer relationships, promotion, technology

Key areas of marketing: Online apparel

Advertising and promotion strategy

Online advertising has the advantage of being extremely easy to segment. In this case, the company merchandise is specifically targeted towards the consumer demographic of young adults. The company can choose to advertise on popular websites amongst that age demographic, versus disseminating more general, generic advertisements on websites without such a specific readership. Using Google ads or Facebook advertisements that specifically target Internet users that have a search profile that suggests they are interested in youth-oriented clothing is yet another economical yet effective way to meet company sales projections by reaching its target audience.

Another effective advertisement can be the creation of online videos specifically targeted to a web audience.

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Several years ago, the aftershave company Old Spice created the 'uber-cool' Old Spice Man persona in videos designed for the web. The videos 'went viral' and were shared repeatedly between online users on social networking sites, and enabled the company to rehabilitate Old Spice's rather stogy image. Given that this apparel company is youth-focused, creating quirky online videos that are showcased on YouTube and can be shared on Facebook and Twitter would be an inexpensive yet effective way to 'get on the radar' of consumers.

Small, emerging companies often target bloggers to review their products. Bloggers with many readers can give the company a veneer of legitimacy, since they are supposed to give their objective, unsponsored opinion about the subject. Selecting teen style bloggers to give free products to, in exchange for an online review, would be another way to gain exposure for the company.

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