Mary Kay Term Paper

Total Length: 597 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Holistic Analysis of Mary Kay

One of the most well-known cosmetics company's operating in the United States today is Mary Kay Inc. Founded by Mary Kay Ash in 1963, the company has provided boundless opportunities for women interested in starting their own business across the globe. The company is currently a corporation, with more than 1 billion independent consultants selling its cosmetics worldwide. The structure of the organization may be considered a matrix. The women working for the corporation as independent consultants are what allow the headquarters location to continue developing and researching new products. The corporation would not survive without the efforts of each and every woman pounding the streets selling Mary Kay products as part of their own business.

The company was founded in part to provide independent women an opportunity to work from home and still provide for their families. In fact, the founder of the company, Mary Kay Ash, stated that her priorities in life were first God, then family, and then career, not the other way around.
This philosophy is adopted by many of ht independent consultants that are hired to represent the company each year. Each of the independent consultants working for the company has adopted their own philosophies toward life and career, but most follow the same mission as the original founder, and work today to make family a priority.

Mary Kay Inc. is considered one of the world's largest direct sellers of make up and cosmetics, realizing almost 2 billion in sales in 2004 alone (MK, 2005). The company is comprised of more than 1 million independent beauty consultants that operate in approximately 30 global markets (MK, 2005). Founded in 1963 the company has grown exponentially in the last 41 years, expanding to offer more than 200 cosmetic products in….....

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"Mary Kay", 17 April 2005, Accessed.1 June. 2024,