Master & Commander - Patrick Term Paper

Total Length: 764 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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'No such passengers aboard, sir,' he reported (243, Chapter 7, last page).

Who is admitted to a ship has a strict hierarchy -- and the captain's word is law in terms of who is allowed on board, as is seen in the above quotation.

My moneyman wants to send his son to sea -- you have a vacancy for a youngster; it is as simple as that (266, Chapter 8, p. 23).

A vacancy for a youngster means an apprenticeship -- the moneyman or creditor is necessary for the ship's ability to sail, and thus the captain is willing to accept the young son, and take the 'burden' of the child off of the moneyman's hand suppose I am rather on the hideous side (268, Chapter 8, p.25).

The hideous side physically as a human being, yet also the hideous side of the ship, where the conflict is located and poor weather threatens the craft.

Transfixed with terror at th'approaching doom

Self-pity in their breasts alone has room (289, Chapter 9, p. 13).

When facing the end, this poem indicates, the only thing any human beings think of is their own self-preservation, and their own self's concerns -- and in fact, this may only be natural, right and proper.

Clew up,' called Jack, continuing the turn that brought the Sophie into the wind. 'Bonden, strike the colours' (377, Chapter 11, last page).

Jack's use of a sailor's turn of phrase such as clue or 'clew' up shows his new inculcation in the vocabulary of sailing life, as does his ability to steer the Sophie with a command, and his free and firm ability to command others on ship.

Captain Aubrey: it is no small pleasure to me to receive the commands of the court I have the honour to preside at, that in delivering to you your sword, I should congratulate you upon its being restored by both friend and foe alike (412, last page).

The last quote of the book directed towards Aubrey as a commander indicates the newly won respect the captain has won in the hearts and minds of the court-dwellers upon the land, a newfound respect that is comparable to the respect that has been customarily accorded to him only at sea by….....

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