MBA and ROTC Program Admission Essay

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Describe career aspirations and how successful completion of the MBA program will relate to my goals as a military officer / ROTC. What do I expect to learn, and how will I apply that knowledge? What specific benefits do I anticipate?

My military experience has and always will be the most important influence in my life. Being a soldier taught me what true leadership entails. Through my participation in the military, I have learned that leadership is not simply telling others what to do, but setting an example others can follow. It has taught me to motivate others in a profound and powerful way. It has taught me the value of having a sense of mission in the leadership I offer. When a leader is clear about the direction in which he or she is heading; the reasons for the mission; and the goals of the enterprise, this invests the orders the leader gives with a determination and purpose which others can sense.

However, as much as I have learned about leadership through the practical experience of my service, I also desire to more critically understand what types of motivational approaches are effective to use as a leader.
I wish to study the examples of previous leaders and become more selective in how I use different strategies to achieve different leadership objectives. An MBA program will give me an intellectual, academic foundation for what I have only been able to appreciate instinctively as a leader thus far.

I have served for nine years and gained a great deal of practical leadership experience. Now, I wish to prepare myself to take my skills and career to the next level. With these goals in mind, I have decided to apply to the Masters of Business Administration and Reserve Officers' Training Corps Program. Graduate school will enable me to more effectively synthesize and apply what I have accomplished and give me a new intellectual framework to use what I have learned thus far to more effectively serve my country.

Educational Preparation: Analyze your educational preparation as well as your experience in light of your expectations and the criteria….....

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