McDonalds Supply Chain Process Term Paper

Total Length: 1252 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Process Analysis

McDonalds is one of the most successful fast food restaurant chains. The quality of the service and the meals offered at the chain of restaurants is largely determined by the raw material supply chain. In order to guarantee high quality food, they have established examination of the same at various levels along the supply chain. The chain begins with the identified supplier when sourcing for the raw materials at various collection centers. The supplier must wait for the inspection of their supplies before it moves to the next level ("Suppliers and Purchasing", 2017). If the supplies are approved by the quality assurance officers of the company, they are moved to various centers for distribution.

It is the duty of the inspection officers to guarantee quality. They look out for such issues as adhering to the dedicated lines of production, formulas of production and storage facilities. The system at McDonald demands that a supplier audients the ingredients of their supplies. It also calls for the upstream supplies to take responsibility for to meet the high safety and quality standards expected by the company (Food Service Safety Standards McDonald Wholesale OR, 2017). If a supplier does not meet the expected standards, their supplies will be rejected by the inspection officers at the collection stage. The company has a policy that encourages purchase of their raw materials from the local producers as long as such producers meet he set standards. The organization monitors every activity of the supplier along a range of aspects including agrochemical rules, environmental considerations, social issues and animal welfare. The firm only makes purchases from producers who adhere to the government regulations and those of the European Union. They also collaborate with the supplies in an effort to ensure that their expectations are met, and for the purposes of establishing long term relationships with major suppliers.
They also work to pay the invoices from suppliers as soon as possible. They constantly update the suppliers on changes made including sharing information on development opportunities that arise within the company for suppliers ("Suppliers and Purchasing", 2017).

Once the supplies are approved by the inspectors, they are moved to the distribution centers in refrigeration containers and stored in warehouses. Such materials are safely stored in the warehouse awaiting requisitions from the various restaurants. Replenishment is indicated by the DSR (The Demand Signal Repository) coming from the online platform that operates globally and used by Emac Digital; owned by McDonald. When the stocks in the various restaurants run low, the restaurant managers and the various operators in the warehouses are signaled (Intrieri, 2017). The managers receive replenishments from the warehouses after confirming the signals. The meals are prepared in small amounts. They are inspected before presentation. In other cases, the meals are only prepared after a customer makes an order. The chief chef inspects the meals after preparation. The chief chefs determine whether the food is worth serving the customers as guided by the brand standards. If the chef does not approve, they order for the preparation of another meal, and disposal of the one rejected.

If the chief chef approves the meal, it is then served to the customer; thus, terminating the supply chain process. The payment for the meal by the consumer practically terminates the transaction. Such parameters as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) help to ensure quality….....

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