Mckibben's Book the Age of Term Paper

Total Length: 1512 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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She used some commercial breadcrumbs and a bit of the commercial, grated cheese together and cooked the cutlets in a skillet. She served them with a salad. I realized that watching and listening to a 'real person' was actually a much better, as well as a more enjoyable way to learn how to cook than watching a television show. I could ask questions, and learn how to do things that the cooks on television assumed I already knew how to do -- and I could also 'taste' and touch the results, which is even more important with a how-to product like cooking.

My entire experiment made me wonder about the popularity of home-improvement television in general. I wonder how much really people get out of it, or if we have become so conditioned to looking to television for information, we don't realize that it is better to sometimes try to do it ourselves in real life, and to ask a real person and to get a real teacher, even if our friends and family members and neighbors are not experts.


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