Medical-Nursing Patterns of Knowing and Research Proposal

Total Length: 844 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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It is the dimension of knowing that connects with human experiences that are common but expressed and experienced uniquely in each instance. It is ultimately the processes of envisioning and rehearsing nurture artistic expression (Chinn, Kramer, & Chinn, 2008).

Empiric knowledge in nursing consists of knowledge development along with highlighting the role of conceptualizing and structuring ideas into knowledge expressions such as theories and formal descriptions. Theories and formal descriptions become shared as empiric knowledge in a discipline and serve to enable scientific competence in practice (Chinn, Kramer, & Chinn, 2008).

It is thought that if knowledge within any one pattern is not critically examined and integrated within the whole of knowing, that uncritical acceptance, narrow interpretation, distortions, and partial utilization of knowledge will occur. When the patterns are used in isolation from one another, the potential for synthesis of the whole is also lost. The formal expressions of knowledge are developed by using methods of inquiry that are grounded both in discursive scholarly methods and in practice specifically designed for each pattern (Behm, Comrie, Crane, Johnson, Popkess, Verbais, Yancey, Carstens, Keene, Davis, and Durbin, n.d.).

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Integrating scholarly knowledge and practice knowledge and making them one is what makes a person a good nurse. I agree with Chinn and Kramer that there are five fundamental patterns of knowing and each is just as important as the next. I feel that based upon my own experiences these patterns are very accurate. Knowing is not something that can just be done in a scholarly setting, it is something that takes place all the time. I prefer the pattern of knowing that relates to the personal knowing. I feel that being nurse calls for one to reach deep inside in order to do the best job that they can, which makes this career all that more rewarding in the end......

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