Medicare 2012 Election: The Great Medicare Debate Essay

Total Length: 701 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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2012 Election: The Great Medicare Debate

Since 1965, Medicare has been attempting to provide low cost, guaranteed access to much needed healthcare for senior citizens over the age of 65 and other age groups that suffer from disabilities and terminal diseases. These people represent some of the most vulnerable population groups in the United States. Most do not work, and rely on Medicare to provide them the access to healthcare they need. Unlike privatized health insurance companies, Medicare is a social insurance program that is paid for through federal mandates and tax payer funds. Billions of dollars are spent annually on over 50 million Americans in need (Alonso-Zaldivar 1). The care structure itself is broken into several main parts: Medicare Part A covers hospital costs, Part B cover most outpatient care costs, and Part C and D. cover prescription drug costs through dealing with other private insurance. Yet, the upcoming election in November is threatening to change and alter the structure. Each candidate has his own plan to deal with Medicare; both are trying to reign in the costs of operating Medicare, but with some elements being obviously more beneficial for Medicare recipients than others.

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Mitt Romney is the Republic presidential candidate who wants an overhaul of Medicare in order to keep costs down. Romney's approach is based off his running mate Paul Ryan's suggestions. According to the research, "Romney officials say Medicare savings will come through competition among health insurance plans" (Alonso-Zaldivar 1). Romney is essentially trying to use the privatized healthcare insurance companies as a way to spread the costs out even further and thus save some of the burden off the federal government. Essentially, Romney wants to allow for open competition within the operation of Medicare in order to try to drive down costs for senior care. President Obama claims that this will turn into a voucher system, where seniors are given a check to go get care from private health insurance companies. Considering the current abuse that many of these companies are putting millions of Americans through in terms of rising healthcare costs, this is….....

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