Meiosis Vs. Mitosis: The Form Essay

Total Length: 488 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The produced haploid daughter cells then develop further to form gametes (egg & sperm). In summary, meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions whilst mitosis is followed in one division though both of these processes involve the interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase stages.

While mitosis is important in cell growth, tissues repair and several types of cells through asexual reproduction, meiosis is vital in developing the eggs and sperms through sexual reproduction. Whereas mitosis does not produce genetic variability of daughter cells, the several processes in meiosis result in considerable genetic variability. These several processes in meiosis are the independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over and sperm fertilizing the egg randomly.

The process of crossing over in meiosis an important driving force of evolution and after synapsis (the coming together of chromatids) has taken place. In the crossing over process, segments of DNA from one chromatid pass to another chromatid in the tetrad. However, these exchanges of chromosomal segments take place in a complex and poorly understood manner resulting in a genetically new chromatid. Once this crossing over process has taken place, the four chromatids of the tetrad are genetically different from the initial four chromatids.


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