Memoir in Humanity the Study Essay

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Charles Hotel whom had run away from an abusive husband and had nothing left as she lay there alone in fever and despair (295). She describes letters from her father-in-law that describe how they are in the midst of starvation (296). Through Mrs. Chestnut's eyes, we also see the pain of the soldiers who had been returned from the North: "I was deeply moved. These men were so forlorn, so dried up, and shrunken, with such a strange look in some of their eyes; others so restless and wild-looking; others again placidly vacant, as if they had been dead to the world for years" (301).

In Mary Chestnut's own words, she was a "tolerably close observer" of "men and manners.
" Indeed, society was, as she eloquently surmised, "only an enlarged field for character study" (338). Through her words as recorded through first hand experience, we see that the battle of the North and South was more than a battle of binary opposites. Within the South, there were the privileged as well as those without privilege. There were the whites as well as the slaves. but, what Mary Chestnut does is she makes these categories fall by the wayside and, instead, we see human beings made up of more than just "good" or "bad." We see their relationships that are complex and, sometimes, even heartwarming in places, such….....

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