Meta-Notation Design Theory Has Underlying Meta-Requirements Based Essay

Total Length: 613 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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meta-notation design theory has underlying meta-requirements based on theories and designed as guide to enable the designing of information systems that are organizational specific. (Siponen, 2006). This theory can help organizations design information systems based on the needs of the organization. The theory is based on theories of it is illogical to state what an organization should do in terms of security, establish identity of methods where subjects and objects can be added to notational patterns, shows ISO modeling can be divided into 3 levels of abstraction, SIS and ISD must operate together, give proper respect to humans, and be quick and effective.

Most of the damage of the IT security stems from simple mistakes unintended or unauthorized actions of legitimate users and IT engineers who are either untrained in security and/or who misunderstood instructions from management. (The Security Framework for Information Technology). By following the meta-requirements as a guide, an organization can reevaluate the existing system for discrepancies and reevaluate what is the best interest of the company for fixing the problems.

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Many of the elements of an information system are artifacts, or human made. (Walls, 2004). The elements that are made by humans can be changed by humans. There also needs to be a design theory hypothesis that user calibration can be achieved through proper application of expressiveness, visibility, and inquirability. It needs to be able to be tested for deficiencies. Design theories require a strategy for informing of capabilities, benefits, and implementation strategies for effective adoption. The ISDT would be used as a guiding framework.

Two areas of underdeveloped research are in risk analysis as a foundation for information security management and the nature of non-technological system safeguards. (Backerville, 1994). This is saying that the practice of security policies and doing risk analysis for the security of the information systems have….....

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