Migration and Globalization Migration Is Essay

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According to Schiller this unequal regulation of migration may have a great deal to do with the strength or weakness of transnational networks. The author explains that in most cases people have strong bonds to their homeland and send a portion of their wages back to relatives that are still in their home countries. In addition immigrants from certain countries in Europe such as Italy have strong support systems and communities in countries such as America when and if they choose to immigrate. In addition, the governments of these countries have good relationships which allows for more relaxed regulations as it pertains to migration and immigration. This support system exist because people have been coming to America from certain countries for centuries as such the support systems for those who migrate from these countries is strong.

Why does Castles and Miller argue that the migration of people the least regulated movement?

In the book the Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World the authors Stephen Castles and Mark Miller assert that the migration of people is the least regulated movement because of the need for a labor force. The authors assert that the powers that be in many countries throughout the world benefit from not having strict regulations on the migration of people.

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In almost every context those who migrate from one region to another or simply cross a border, inevitably serve an important role in the labor force by providing cheap and dependable labor. Although the authors explain that this type of labor has an effect on local workers who are citizens, the benefits of cheap labor outweigh the costs. Addiitonally, the authors explain that as a result of the need for an immigrant labor pool, migration is the least regulated of movements as it pertains to globalization. In addition the author explains that migration is the least regulated movement because of the difficulty associated with controlling such movement around the world. In addition, the globalization of societies around the world has led to increases in diversity and the embracing of cultures that are different from one another. The authors explain that in America and in France immigration is a hotly debated issue. The authors assert dealing with societal changes borough about by immigration can be complex and cause many emotions to spring forth. Out of these emotions riots and acts of civil disobedience are likely to occur. To maintain social order many countries discuss the issue but fail to truly regulate migration and for these reasons migration is the least regulated movement......

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