Milton Glaser: Man of Art Essay

Total Length: 1153 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Another favorite is the Dylan poster that is, again, not complicated in its appearance. The silhouette of Dylan is topped off with a mass of hair that is in the form of thick curly lines in bright colors. This image is one that is difficult to forget once it is seen. These images are iconic and they remain with us because they grab our attention without being overdone. The Saratoga Performing Arts Center poster is another design that is a favorite because Glaser has taken what we consider everyday elements and turned them into something that is recognizable but different enough to garner a second or third look. I enjoy the School of Visual Arts poster because it captures what artists do with a few words and what appears to be a simple image. Glaser's style is one that cannot be defined in a few words but, like most real and genuine art, we recognize it when we see it. From the very simplistic to the daring and edgy, Glaser's style is completely his own. His life is a tribute to graphic design if not the definition of it.

Glaser is an excellent role model for students of any age in any field. Throughout the years, Glaser remains an icon for graphic artists everywhere because he demonstrates how art does not have to be complicated to be good or effective. The idea of the image of a heart representing love, which has come to represent the grand city of New York, is a sterling example of the power of art - even when people are not fully aware of it. I would hope to excel with my art in the same way that Glaser did. He did not try to conform - he simply created from what was inside him.
He was not particularly interested in anything but the design itself. In short, he followed his heart and it brought him much fame and contentment.

Milton Glaser sets an incredible example for artists everywhere. His style is unique and different and, instead of being afraid to seek out new ideas, he embraced them. His ability to combine different styles is an attribute that makes him unique. In addition, he was never afraid to work with seemingly simple images. The most well-known design associated with New York City is perhaps one of the most simple designs known. With nothing more than four letters and the image of a heart, Glaser created a masterpiece that others steal on a daily basis because it genius. Glaser also represents the importance of flexibility in the design world. His early work was done without the aid of computers and the advent of computers did not hinder him in any way. His work demonstrates how real art always leaves a lasting impression, regardless of when it was created. Glaser and his work are the epitome of design itself in that both refuse to blend in with the crowd while refusing to scream to be heard. His work demonstrates that good art can speak for itself over thousands of other voices without saying a word.


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