Mission and Vision Are Two Essay

Total Length: 840 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The vision should be forward thinking -- it is a vision into the desire future of the company. The vision is something that the company is working towards. This vision should also be inspiring. If the vision does not inspire, then the stakeholders will not work towards it. A vision should not only provide something to which the company is working, it should also compel them to work towards it.

The vision should be specific, so that it is easily understood. It should also be achievable. A vision that is not achievable is likely to be rejected and therefore not inspire. A vision that is achievable and specific provides a guidepost in the future to which employees and other stakeholders will work.

These two lists both share things in common. One is the need for specificity. Mission and vision statements both need to be clear. They need to provide guidance for employees and other stakeholders.
They both must clearly communicate what the company is about and where it is going.

The two lists differ is that the mission statement is more specific to the company's activities. A vision statement will contain elements of that, but is more applied strategy whereas the mission statement is simply focused on strategy. The mission statement creates expectations for the future, which is externally driven and the vision statement creates visions of the future, which are internally driven.


Mission and vision statements are difficult to write. Most firms struggle to succinctly espouse their sense of purpose, their core values or anything specific about where the company is going. Ultimately, this leads to ineffective statements -- the firm's actions do not flow from these statements. It is better that mission and vision statements are specific, boldly worded and provide a clear sense of direction to both internal and external stakeholders.


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