Mobile Application Product Enhancements Chapter

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Social interaction and data continue to grow throughout the world. Consumers are now relying more heavily on insights gleamed for mobile apps. These apps, which range from social media to travel, all impact consumers in various ways. Yelp in no different in this regard. As a mobile app predicated on travel, the user interface is critical. Over 1.5 million people have downloaded the application and are actively using for their travel destination needs. Through both quantitative and qualitative research, I have identified aspects within the user interface that can enhance the overall experience of these consumers. My recommendations will rely heavily from the CREAT action funnel to guide the overall user experience

To begin the appearance and dialogue within the app should be enhanced. Although the aesthetics are appealing, the app should consider a more minimalist design. Dialogue within the app should not include irrelevant information. Information that is rarely needed may confuse and eliminate novice users. Icons could be used instead of wording to help enhance the appeal and flexibility of the app. For instance, instead of using words to define a designated action, icons can be used to help convey the act in a more minimalist manner. Language in general may often have varying meaning for different people. Icons however, tend to be more universal in their acceptance and understanding. By substituting icons for much of the confusing wording, Yelp also helps to minimize the user's memory load. Icons further assist with recognition rather than recall. To enhance the usability, the consumer should not need to memorize from one part of the dialogue to the next. Icons therefore help in regards to visibility and ease of use for the consumers.

In regards to flow within the Yelp app, the icon placement change would impact both the cue and impact phase. First, the app is accessed by the consumer with a search bar immediately visible at the top of the app. The search bar will act as a cue for directing the user to click and engage with it. After the subsequent search, the very heavily worded search results will instead be replace with icons that aid in the overall reaction of the consumer.

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These steps, although very simple create a user interface that is much more readable and intuitive for both the novice and expert user. Accelerators can also be used in this context to help further cater to frequent activities.

Another aspect of the app that directs flow away from the user is the overall map function itself. The Yelp app, unfortunately, does not have its own built in map that the user can retrieve. Instead, the app redirects the user to the default "Maps" provider on the phone. In regards to the consistency and standards heuristic, this function ultimately detracts from the overall experience. Depending on the operating system and overall settings of the phone, the Yelp app may redirect users to a "Map" function that they do not want. If the consumer has multiple mapping applications on their phone, a lack of consistency can ruin the overall experience. The Yelp app may redirect them to a mapping the application that they do not want, or the Yelp app may utilize the default program, which may confuse the novice consumer. The app, particularly during the evaluation phase of the CREAT funnel, may be tempted to use other, more comprehensive applications. This may also detract from the ability phase of the CREAT funnel, as novice consumers elect to close the app because it will take too much time to rectify the error.

The prototype that incorporate both the simpler icons and an integrated map performed well than when each was a standalone aspect of the enhanced user flow. Of the 3 interview participants 2 responded positively to the simpler icons on a standalone basis. Nearly all commented that the icons were more intuitive and enhanced the overall experience when transitioning throughout the CREAT funnel. The integrated map function received mixed results on a standalone bases however. 2 of the three interview participants didn't mind the load times or the transition to a different mapping system. Prototype 3, which incorporated both enhances saw the greatest overall satisfaction wit the user improvements. It appears that consumers resonate with the both the integrated mapping function and the enhanced icon features….....

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