Moral Disengagement Within the Society Today There Essay

Total Length: 670 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Moral Disengagement

Within the society today there are different people with their own different behaviors. Some might turn out to be meaningful people but others end up being a bother to the society. This paper will look out moral disengagement in the will explain using behavioral theories why a person is more likely to drop out of the society to become a terrorist as opposed to dropping out to become a hermit or will also focus on Albert Bandura's model of moral disengagement and explain some techniques that might be used to justify the use of violence by individuals.

Behavioral theories

Observing the society today more people are getting involved in terrorist behavior as opposed to becoming monks or hermits. The likely hood of an individual becoming a terrorist is high compared to the same individual becoming a monk or hermit. This can be explained using behavioral theories. Behavioral theories give a demonstration of how conditioning can be used in learning new behaviors or information. Behaviorism is a learning theory that is based on the fact that all behaviors are got through conditioning.

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one of the behavioral theories that can be used to explain why more people are becoming terrorists is operant conditioning. This is also referred to as instrumental conditioning which is a learning method that takes place through punishments and rewards for behaviors. Through operant conditioning there is an association between a particular behavior and consequence for that behavior (Cherry, 2012).

Individuals are likely to develop a behavior of being terrorist due to the rewards they associate it with. For instance terrorists might get money through when they execute their acts of terrorism. When one is hired as a terrorist they are promised large sums of is this reward that most of the people who get involved with terrorist activities that attracts them into this behavior and hence they end up developing it. There are very few rewards if any of being a monk or hermit. Therefore people are less attracted….....

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