Moses the First Five Books Thesis

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The narrative genre, specifically an "epic," continues in the second book of the Bible, or "Exodus," which explains the story of the Israelites in Egypt to the Holy Land, and ends with the legal genre. The narration includes the introduction, which provides the transition from Genesis and seven parts of 1) the sufferings of Israel in Egypt and God's help is promised; 2) God's power that is shown through the plagues inflicted on Pharaoh and allowing the Israelites to leave; (3) the love of God shown by the trek of the Israelites to Mt. Sinai, even when the people show disbelief; 4) the making the Covenant at Mt. Sinai with its legal ordinances; 5) the directions for building the Tabernacle where God is to dwell in the midst of the people; 6) the Covenant's renewal based on the demands following worship of the Golden Calf, and 7) the building and erection of the Tent of Meeting or Revelation and its dedication to God (Orr).

In "Leviticus," the legal genre continues along with the narrative style. The "Literary Study Bible," says that it could be called a "Utopian" genre, because it relates to a "good society." The book was written to help guide the priests in ways to conduct worship and to holy living. The name of the book comes from an adjective suggesting the "the Levitical book" or the "book pertaining to the Levites" It is about the laws that the Levi descendants of Levi would follow. The main people noted in the book are Aaron and the priests. Many of the laws noted in Leviticus are ceremonial. As noted by the Encyclopedia Britannica, the book can be divided as chapters 1 -- 7, offerings.....

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