Movement & Performance Movement and Term Paper

Total Length: 1722 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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This very fast montage-sequence of one-frame posed shots creates a huge change of pace.


The action is believable because of careful attention to details of movement. For example, when the boyfriend tries to strike Barry with a rolled up magazine, his arm first comes back and then goes forward. This allows the viewer to anticipate what is about to happen. The speed in the sequence mounts quickly but perceptibly in a subtle display of stored up energy being used. For instance, the magazine has weight and has to swing in a big arc to hit Barry, so in the next frames it moves farther than anything else. The boyfriend's body appears to unwind for maximum force, as he does this. The action starts in his legs and moves through his whole body.

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Successful and believable animation depends on a knowledge of how the human body moves and how facial expression changes to reveal emotion. The tedious part is dividing each action up into tiny segments, each one accurate and meaningful in itself. Combined they produce the performance of the "actors," that is, the puppets, and create a sense of realism and believability for the audience......

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