Music Listening Exercise: Mozart Essay

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Mozart: Sonata for Piano in C major, K 545

Classical sonata: Mozart's Sonata for Piano in C major, K 545

Track time, melodic and accompaniment writing.


The first section of music sounds bright and sprightly. It sets the melodic line and tone for the rest of the composition. The music begins relatively abruptly: there is little lead-in to the piece of music. The melody dominates the composition. The tone is relatively simple and charming but not excessively ornamented.

Although engaging, the use of repetition is manifested relatively early on in the work. There is a consistent use of similar thematic motifs even in the first minute, which will then be expanded upon later on. This gives the work simplicity, clarity, and ease in the way it is performed: there is nothing overdone or 'fussy' about the quality of the performance.

Transition 1:50

The transition is relatively brief and fleeting, marked only by a slight pause and a flurry of notes. The transition marks a slight coda in the performance, but given the brevity of the work as a whole, too much dramatic emphasis or too much of a pause would not be warranted.
The overall quality is that of a hesitation rather than an abrupt shift.

Group 2: 2:09

The second section is more languorous and subdued, although it makes use of and plays with the melody of the first section. The notes are slightly longer. There is a great deal of similarity between the two sections and within the sections there is continuity of melody although the atmosphere of the music slightly shifts in quality.

Closing 2:31

The closing is a series of repetitive, swift notes that acts as another coda or closing. Rather than slowing down entirely, there is a sense of energy that is maintained throughout the work, including the closing.

Development 3:00

The third section has sections which sound almost ominous in tone. It is much darker and flatter in quality. While it is not more elaborate, it is more melancholy and musing in nature and has a different sensibility than does the previous sections.

Recapitulation: 3:50

The recapitulation similarly makes use of a fast series….....

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