Myth by Muriel Rukeyser Is a Poem Term Paper

Total Length: 400 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Myth" by Muriel Rukeyser is a poem that discusses the issue of sexism in Sophocles' "Oedipus the King." The poem starts with a continuation of Oedipus suffering as a blind man after he had blinded himself upon learning the he had killed his father Laius and marrying his mother Jocasta. Rukeyser used Oedipus' story as her way of emphasizing the treatment of women during those times, that is, as an object of possession or commodity. In Sophocles' famous play, Oedipus' mother, Jocasta, is clearly portrayed as a woman who has been 'handed down' to Oedipus after her husband's death; Oedipus' triumph in Thebes made him the leader of that kingdom, and made Jocasta his wife as his 'reward' for conquering Thebes.

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True enough, what happened after Oedipus became the King of Thebes and his marriage to Jocasta was his ultimate downfall. Rukeyser points out one critical mistake on Oedipus' part regarding the tragedy that he met at Thebes: he underestimated the woman who was to be the cause of his downfall (Jocasta, his mother). The poem continues Oedipus' story with Oedipus asking the Sphinx why did he not recognize his mother, and the Sphinx answering the error in….....

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