The Nature of ASD Capstone Project

Total Length: 485 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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autism spectrum disorder?

Five-year-old Lilly has never spoken aloud. She avoids eye contact with other children and her parents. She flaps her hands and despite not having any diagnosable physical problems walks in short, jerky steps. Lilly has autism.

Ten-year-old Jason is highly verbal. He has a vocabulary much larger than the average child his age and has a high IQ. However, Jason has no friends at school. Whenever he becomes really interested in something, whether it is baseball or racecars, he has difficulty talking about anything else. Jason is also on the autism spectrum.

Autism Defined

The challenges of identifying autism spectrum disorder (ASD) lie in the fact that it is a continuum. It is often said that "if you know one child with autism, you know one child with autism." The common symptoms of autism are problems with language and communication; impaired social interactions; repetitive behaviors, and an inability to pick up on social cues and mirror the behaviors of others (NIH, 2015).

Can it be treated?

Early intervention is critical. Because ASD is such a unique and varied disorder, treatment will also vary depending on the specific needs of the child.

How common is ASD?

Diagnoses of autism are on the rise but whether this means that the disorder has grown more common or simply that clinicians have become better adept at diagnosing autism is controversial. Given current rates of diagnoses of autism, according to the National Institute of Health it is estimated that 1 out of 88 children age 8 will have an ASD diagnosis in the future (NIH, 2015). Males are more commonly diagnosed with autism but the condition can be found across all racial, religious, and ethnic groups.

Is Autism genetic?

There is a clear genetic component to autism, although scientists are not entirely sure of how this mechanism operates. "Identical twin studies show that if one twin is affected, there is up to a 90% chance the other twin will be affected" (NIH, 2015).


Applied behavior analysis (ABA): Behaviors are broken down into small, manageable steps (PBS, 2009).

Occupational therapy: Support in dressing, bathing, and basic organizational tasks

Sensory integration therapy: To desensitize the individual to sound, touch, bright lights

Signs of Hope

Higher-than-average IQ and early behavioral intervention was found to be positively associated in a study of 34.....

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