Navigating the World Wide Web Thesis

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PDF to the phrase Tenured & Post-tenure review models yielded an entire page of links to PDFs on the subject. This is especially useful when doing research. A limitation of Bing in this area however is the lack of citation support provided however that is found in EBSCO Host or ProQuest, two excellent academic databases. In conclusion, the iterative nature of Bing is very effective in targeting content of interest and the use of specific operands or qualifiers including .PDF work well. The only limitation however is the amount of content indexed at this point by the search engine.

The site was also evaluated using the search term Tenured & Post-tenure review models both in exact phrasing and also in Boolean search. This search engine provides an estimated time for the search to be completed which for this specific phrase when configured as a Boolean search, took .49ms.
Just for comparison, the same phrase was entered into Google for a Boolean search and that took .41ms. returned 148,000 results when the Boolean search was used and none when a forced exact match was defined. What is useful about is their inclusion in beta (customer testing) of the ability to complete searches of content that have Creative Commons licensing. This is very useful from a search standpoint and unique to In conclusion, both of these search engines are valuable. Bing's design objectives focus more on precision, while Yahoo more on breadth of content. In completing this analysis Bing delivered the more relevant and targeted results on a consistent basis......

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