The Needs of Disabled Persons Essay

Total Length: 1728 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Encounters with Disability: Low VisionLow vision is a specific designation to describe people who have a clinically significant loss of visual acuity but who still have some degree of vision. This vision is not correctable even with strong glasses or contact lenses and requires accommodations such as higher levels of lighting or enlarged print (How are the terms, 2022). Low vision can either take the form of nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopic), much like less severe forms of vision limitation (How are the terms, 2022). A person’s vision limitations can also be classified according to levels of visual acuity, from partially sighted to legally blind to total blindness.Partially sighted students or employees can be accommodated with larger print or visual aids. Legally blind individuals have 20/200 vision (or worse) in their better eye, or a limited field of vision less than 20 degrees at its widest point, and may require more accommodations (How are the terms, 2022). But while partially sighted or legally blind individuals may have some form of vision, totally blind individuals do not. Totally blind persons usually rely upon Braille, raised lines drawings, audiobooks, or other media to fully participate in a class or employment situation (How are the terms, 2022).Description of the EncounterCarrie (not her real name) is a student with low vision currently in her sophomore year in college. She is classified as having low vision, rather than being legally or fully blind. According to Carrie, she never learned Braille, which makes her somewhat sad. She has expressed anxiety about potentially worsening vision as she ages, and says she might consider trying to learn it in the future. Now, she makes do with audiobooks, large print on her disability-friendly laptop or Kindle, and other accommodations.Although Carrie requires certain accommodations to function fully in a school environment, she is academically talented and maintains a high GPA. She also works out at the gym regularly. According to the literature, some visually impaired people struggle with exercising safely, which can often limit physical fitness, coordination, and healthy physical development (Lieberman et al., 2021). Carrie said that she had found exercising to be a source of stress release. Although she did not need to have help making her way safely around the gym, despite her limited vision, she said she had joined a campus running group so she could be safe running around the area. She does not feel physically limited by her disability and said she was even more determined to keep in good physical shape to stay healthy.Unfortunately, however, Carrie said she had experienced some discrimination regarding her disability. This, interestingly enough, came in the classroom, where she said that teachers in the past had said they did not feel as if they had the qualifications or capacity to make reasonable accommodations for some of her needs regarding teaching materials, such as finding her access to large print or audio versions of certain readings.
She said that she felt more limited in her major choice; although she had been deciding between studying education and biology. She was concerned that teachers would not observe college requirements for students with disabilities in practice. She would need additional support to flourish in labs or in classes with substantial hands-on or visual components.Although the federal law the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), “guarantees a free and appropriate education” for secondary school students, “there is no legal requirement for postsecondary institutions to provide a free and appropriate…

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…cane I only sometimes use. I currently still live at home, but I commute to school and spend most of the day on campus, and take part in activities there.What are your experiences in society?I have been lucky to be the beneficiary of both Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), IDEA and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But although discrimination in employment is against the law, and my public schools were legally required to allow me to use audiobooks, to have different large print materials I could read for studying, and allowed me additional time to get to class and take tests because of my disability, it is hard to legislate against people’s feelings of discomfort. I know some of my teachers, especially in mainstream classrooms versus resource room aides, seemed very uncomfortable or felt that my needs were an extra burden on top of their other burdens.Details about your disability?One thing I would like to stress about low vision is that it is a spectrum. It makes me so angry when I see people on social media mocking individuals who are blind using cellphones or demanding readable text be inserted in photos, so we can better understand what is being discussed. I can still read somewhat. Technology helps me so much. I can also get around on my own, again, with some additional assistance like added light, my cane, or verbal direction from others. I really would appreciate greater respect in sidewalk and building design for people with low vision, especially at night.How to be an ally?The best way to be an ally is to ask questions of a specific individual about how to help. As I said, many people don’t understand the differences between low vision….....

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